Step 3: Discovering the content structure of the Epistle
We have now:
1.Read through the 1 John 10 times. We are now reading it through once each day for review.
2. Done our own unassisted Epistle introduction to author, readers, concepts, etc.
So, we are now ready to dig into the content structure of the Epistle. We will use the various paragraph and verse groupings of each chapter, chapter upon chapter, to get an understanding of how the Holy Spirit has built the Epistle. Thought upon thought and teaching upon teaching He has built the Epistle like a building, with a foundation and a structural plan. The assignment is to read each chapter through and give a brief one line or one sentence title to each paragraph division on the attached study pages below. Then give each chapter a short conceptual title covering its content. Then give the Epistle your own book title. Use your own words and simply aim at a descriptive phrase or sentence for each of the above. Do not use your Bible but just use the study sheets included below. It is an easy thing to get this from various sources but refrain from doing that. What we are after is for ourselves to produce it out of our own study with the Divine Teacher. At the end of doing this put all the chapter titles and the Book title on the main page. After this step we should have a good general understanding of how the Holy Spirit has built His message of 'Eternal Life' in the First Epistle of John. Then we will be ready to move ahead to Step 4!
The below chapter study pages are also linked on the main page. They should print out on a standard 8 1/2 x 11 pg. (The paragraph divisions are not necessarily consistent with your printed version. This is not important to us in this exercise.)
Go to Study Pages - King James